Month: June 2022

Four facts – Samoa

Task description: Kia ora and Welcome to my blog. I have finished my 4 facts and it is about my culture samoa. The hardest part about my task might be trying to find some other things about my culture that i didn’t know. Feel free to leave a kind positive comment and feel free to have a look!!

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Writing task – Alternative ending. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone!

It wasn’t Draco malfoy and It wasn’t even Lord voldemort but It was an evil clone of Professor albus Dumbledore. Harry,Ron and Hermione stood there frozen. Ron then said “ What are you doing here Professor Dumbledore but I know that you have casted the spell for everlasting fire!!.”

Harry was just shocked. Professor Dumbledore hesitated and stuttered then said “ I uh”. I am just guarding the philosopher’s stone” then Harry was looking around he then said “ Hm Something is just off around here,Never mind I’m probably just imagining things let’s just  go” . Harry,Ron,Herimone and The evil clone went back down. The evil clone then went back up. The evil clone then casted a spell of The double charm on the Philosopher’s stone. Then he took the real Philosopher’s stone.

The evil clone of Professor Dumbledore Was thinking maybe he could remove the points in Harry’s team. The evil clone went to Silvanus Kettleburn. Harry’s teacher. The evil clone said to Silvanus Kettleburn “ What team is Harry in” then Silvanus Kettleburn had said “ Why are you asking if you are Harry’s teacher you should know”. Then the evil clone hesitated and then said “ Uh um You know Memory problems” Then Silvaus Kettkeburn said “ Ok he is in The Gryffindor team”. The evil clone of Professor Dumbledore left.

Professor Dumbledore left with an evil grin. Ginny Weasley Came running down. She went to the Headmistress she then said “Professor Mcgonagall. Someone had made a spell of The double charm of the Philosopher’s stone.” The Headmistress then gasped then said “What how do you Know” Ginny then said “ I heard from one of the students.” Professor Mcgonagall Then told all of the teachers there would be an emerg meeting. 

All of the teachers had been in a room having a meeting. Professor Mcgonagall then said 

“Well I have called this meeting because someone had done the double charm spell” Everyone looked confused she then continued and said “Someone had done the double charm spell on the Philosopher’s stone. And had taken the real one” All of the teachers had gasped. All of the teachers had said we have to do an assembly with the whole school.

The next day The whole of Hogwarts had been called to the Hall. The evil clone had left. Then the headmistress had said “ Hello Welcome Hogwarts students and Teachers. I have called this assembly because someone had casted a spell of The double charm of The Philosopher’s stone. So if anyone would please stand up and could come to the front and tell us what you know.”. When the Headmistress saw that No one had stood up. Then the headmistress looked everywhere. She then said “ Well ok If you know something please come to my office and tell me” Everyone had Left. 

Harry was saying to Herimone and Ron “ Hey guys do you Know when Professor Mcgonagall said Something about the double charm spell. When we got up there Professor Dumbledore was there when I was looking everywhere there was something suspicious.” Herimone then said “ HARRY It… it was fluffy he wasn’t there.” Ron and Harry gasped. Herimone had continued then had said “ Maybe we can test Professor Dumbledore how about we go separate ways then we could ask Professor Dumbledore if there was a test tomorrow because there is a test maybe we can see”. Ron and Harry had Agreed 


Ron and Harry had gone the same way they saw The evil clone of Professor Dumbledore Ron then had said “ Hi Professor Dumbledore me and Harry had a question.” Professor Dumbledore then said “ Oh Hello Ron Wesley yes what is your question.” Harry and Ron had Looked at each other. Ron then continued and said “ We were just asking if there was an OWL exam.” Professor Dumbledore nodded his head and said “ Well no there is no OWL exam tomorrow, it is a free day tomorrow” Harry looked surprised and said “ Ok Thanks Professor Dumbledore.” Ron and Harry Had Left and waved goodbye.

Herimone had gone The other way she had seen the Innocent Professor Dumbledore. She then said “ Hi Professor Dumbledore I was Just looking for you to ask if there was an Exam Tomorrow.” Professor Dumbledore then said “ Yes Of course there is an exam tomorrow.” Herimone then said “ Ok Professor Dumbledore thank you for telling me I just had forgotten if there was an exam tomorrow.” Herimone had left and she had found Ron and Harry. Ron then said “ Hey Hermione, So we saw Professor Dumbledore. Turns out there isn’t an exam tomorrow so we are going to have a free day.” Herimone then said I just talked to Professor DumbleDore and it looks like there is Two Professor Dumbledore’s Well My Professor Dumbledore said that there is an exam tomorrow.

Harry was thinking of a plan he had then said “ How about we get one Professor Dumbledore in a room. Then the other Professor Dumbledore outside the room and we could cast the Reverse spell on both of them to see what happens.” Ron and Herimone had agreed on what the plan was Herimone then said “ We also have to tell the Headmistress about it. I’ll go to the Headmistress and tell her.” Herimone had left to go to the Headmistress office. While Harry and Ron were trying to do the Reverse spell of the Double charm. Harry and Ron were Revising the spell for the Double Charm.

Herimone had gotten to the Headmistress Office. She had Knocked on the door and Professor Mcgonagall had answered. Herimone had said “ Professor Mcgonagall I have some News about the Philosopher’s Stone. I do know Who did it. It is a clone of Professor Dumbledore.” The headmistress then had Gasped and then said “ Oh my God ok well How do you know.” Herimone continued and said “ Me,Harry and Ron had been suspicious of Professor Dumbledore. So we had Questioned Him and the Same time and One clone had said No there is no test. And the other had said yes.” Professor Mcgonagall then said “ Ok Well do you have it covered by doing the reverse spell of the double charm.” Hermione then Nodded yes.

It was the Next day. Harry and Ron had finished Revising the Reversal Spell. Herimone had gotten the evil clone in one room and the Innocent clone outside. Harry then said to the evil clone “ Professor Dumbledore we know you are a clone.” Harry then continued while saying the Reverse spell “ A charm that forced a wand to show an echo of the last spell it had performed.” The spell then had been reversed. It was shining bright and Harry and Herimone had seen a turban. Herimone then had Shouted “ PROFESSOR QUIRINUS QUIRRELL WHAT ARE YOU DOING.” Professor Dumbledore and Ron came running in whie screaming. Ron Had accidently Tackled Professor Quirinus Quirrell. Herimone then said “ Ron, stay there.” Ron had Pinned him down.

Herimone,Professor Dumbledore,Ron and Harry had tied him up Herimone then had gotten Professor Mcgonagall. The headmistress then said “Professor Quirinus Quirrell I am so disappointed.” She then asked “But where is the Philosopher’s stone?” Professor Quirinus Quirrell had refused to answer. “  Professor Quirinus Quirrell if you don’t tell me then you would have to get fired and would have to be sent to Azkaban.” Professor Quirinus Quirrell then gasped and said “ WHAT NO. Ok fine it’s hidden in your office.” Professor Mcgonnagal had found the Philosopher’s Stone.

Professor Quirinus Quirrell sighed. It was the next day Professor Mcgonagall had called Herimone,Harry and Ron. She then said “ Well I am just so proud of you Students of what you have done to save Professor Dumbledore and the Philosopher’s stone. Professor Mcgonagall had said to Professor Quirinus Quirrell. “Ok well this is your last chance”.  He then said “ Ok I promise I will now stop doing bad things”. He then left with an evil grin.

Professor Quirinus Quirrell then had left. He had met up with Lord Voldemort at the back of the school. Professor Quirinus Quirrell Whispered and said “ sorry I failed at what you told me to do”. Lord Voldemort then Gasped and yelled “WHAT I HAVE TOLD YOU A SIMPLE JOB THAT WAS TRYING TO BE A CLONE OF PROFESSOR ALBUS DUMBLEDORE. IT’S SUCH AN EASY JOB. AND YOU COULD HAVE STOLEN THE PHILOSOPHER’S STONE. ”. Professor Quirinus Quirrell had just kept on apologising again and again..

Lord Voldemort had then turned Professor Quirirnus Quirrell to a toad and he had picked Professor Quirirnus Quirrell and put him into a jar. He then said “ Well you have faced the consequence of being turned into a toad”. Lord Voldemort had just said “ I am coming for you Potter. Just you wait”. He had left with an evil chuckle

Response to text – Iron Tamariki by Paora tibble

Task description: Kia ora so today I have finished my Response to text. It is about a Iron tamariki event that a kid named Mana competes in. The hardest part of the reading task was getting to do the challenge task. Feel free to have a look!

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