Tag: about video games

Opinion Writing – Video Games

                                                            Opinion Writing Task

                  Your job today is to write a short essay answering the following question.


                                       Should gaming be taught in schools?

We have brainstormed some of the things that gaming can teach us. You need to decide whether you…  

Choose three STRONG points you would like to make to support your opinion, and put them into the places below;

Point One:  Gaming shouldn’t be taught in school Because sometimes children can get addicted to video games.  Gaming provides 23% Percentage of your traditional education.
Point Two: sometimes gaming can cause children to misbehave during class and it can also cause children to say bad things in school.
Point Three: Gaming shouldn’t be taught in school because it can cause children to cyberbully online while playing games with random people.


In the space below begin your writing;


I think that gaming shouldn’t be taught in school because video games are addictive. When you are playing games you should take breaks every 15-20 minutes. It sometimes causes kids to cyberbully on online games. And sometimes kids can get scammed while playing Games.


Gaming can cause Vision problems. The most common vision problem is eye strain which leads to headaches. Sometimes gaming can be a waste of time and it can also be harmful sometimes. Gaming can make you dehydrated and can also make you exhausted during the day.


( My Point); My point is that gaming shouldn’t really be taught in schools because it can cause children to cyberbully online and it can cause children to misbehave in school. When you are at school it can make you calm and not rage while you are learning in school.


(explanation): My explanation is that Gaming can make it harder for you to sleep. When you play video games too long then you would get wrist,neck and elbow pain. And which leads to numbness or weakness.

(Example): My example is that gaming shouldn’t be taught in schools because sometimes kids can get aggressive from playing a lot of video games.

Task description: Kia ora so today I have finished writing my opinion task. It is about if gaming should be taught in school so feel free to have a look and leave a kind positive comment down below.

Kia ora welcome to my Blog!!!